Thursday, October 04, 2007

counting down...

Today, 04 OCt. Less than 10 days counting down to mission trip in Segamat.

Since I accepted Christ, I have been to many places for mission trip. Let me count.... near to 10 places. And I will be going for another one again.

The place for this round is quite near to me - Segamat. Feeling excited and longing for it. Feeling excited as I have not been joining for mission trip for at least 3 years.

This round, I will be going with Mic's church fellowship. Not really worry of joining them since I already quite familiar with them.

However, I still need to go through some difficult moments before I get myself ready for this mission trip.

Basically, I need to get my job done before I go.

This morning when my staff passed my leave form to my GM on my behalf for his approval, he was hesitated. And later of the day, he sent me an email:

Dear Cynthia, noted that you will be on leave on next week, please update the Q4 forecast by tomorrow.

I was pretty shock when receiving the email. Feeling quite upset of what my GM wrote to me. He is afraid that I will 'throw and run'? Well, I replied him saying:

Dear GM, I will be on leave only in the following week after next week. However, I will try to get it done by tomorrow. Next, fyi, I am currently rushing for reporting to holding company. Don't worry, I will definitely get my duty done before leaving.

Am I sounds bad? Feeling a bit regret of my straight forward-ness.

List of tasks to complete before departing for my 1 week mission trip:

1) Reporting - target: to be done by tomorrow (DONE)
2) Revise Q4 forecast - target: to be done by tomorrow (DONE)
3) BNM approval - target: to be done by next Monday
4) TNB verification - target: to be done by next Monday (DONE)
5) Statistics - target: to be done by next Monday (DONE)
6) Answer tons of questions from Group FC which are still under "to follow up" category in my mail box - answer bit by bit starting tomorrow.
7) Entertain my company's tax agent - target: to be done by next Tuesday (DONE)
8) Forecast cashflow for Oct - target: to be done by next Friday
9) Entertain my company's insurance agent - target: to be done by next Tuesday
10) Review payment - target: to be done by next Friday (DONE)
11) Close 2006 (can delay)

1) Minutes for previous meeting for mission department - target: to be done by this Saturday
2) ppt for Children Sunday School - target: to be done by this Saturday (DONE)
3) Get ready for youth fellowship this Saturday. Will be leading prayer meeting. - target: to be done by this Saturday (DONE)
4) Done up ppt to be used during Sunday Service this coming Sunday - target: to be done by this Saturday (DONE)

Mission trip
1) Get ready materials needed for craft for Sunday School - target: to be done by this Saturday (DONE)

2) Do some shopping and buy some food and drink for mission trip. I am put to in charge in this area. - target: to be done before next Saturday (NO NEED TO DO)

3) Buy a creative tool/think of a creative way to share good news of Christ with kids in Sunday School. - target: to be done by this Saturday (DONE)

Yea, I have a lot of things to do before going for mission trip. Dear Lord, please give me strength and help me to get all these thing done.

Well, I need to sleep now. Have been soaking in tvb series for days. But, can I have just 2 episods for today?

1 comment:

Michael Chan said...

Jia you darling. I'll keep you in prayer. Most of all, take care of yourself ya. Don't let yourself fall sick. May the Lord always give you strength and wisdom.